26 October 2012

Strange Days with The Doors

Didn't thought I was going to open The Doors again. They never broke through to my full appreciation, but now it seems they do?! (not only the winding organ of Manzarek). Even if publically overshadowed by their first mythical masterpiece, this second album I think feels more spiritually uplifting.

most Strange song: I CAN'T SEE YOUR FACE IN MY MIND

most Smart song: LOVE ME TWO TIMES

most Sexy song: STRANGE DAYS

most Beautiful song: YOU'RE LOST LITTLE GIRL

most Amusing song: PEOPLE ARE STRANGE

most growing Strong song: WHEN THE MUSIC'S OVER

Overall Album

5 compositions

7 instrumentations

6 playin' feeling /singin' feeling

3 philosophy

4 timeline (order of tracks)

6 concept (titles, cover picture)

7 historical importance

= 38

I now give 1-7 for each cathegory
where 3 is good and total possible 7 X 7 = 49 never exist(?)


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