14 November 2012

What if not Why more than What-if...?

...after trying to listen to Igor Ledochowski version of (his old teacher's version of) the four learning styles http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Learning_styles

Interesting how he seems to me to describe the learning process as: "Why?" as a quite unconscious, emotional motivation, "What?" as rather conscious dealing with information, and then "How?" as testing all this in a more concrete way, to maybe at last reframe one's concepts by opening for other "What if...?", which to keep inspiring demands some kind of new motivation and so on...

-What if I learn best by being a what-if?! /an Accomodator?!
= the only style I haven't really imagined for myself yet :-)

Then more specifically it would be the negative type of "what if?"... And it's by this division Igor "gives me" insight. In a similar way to the 6th filter of the enneagram circle, the negative what-if:ers seems scanning after what could go wrong, how to problemizing things, instead of just listening. However maybe still realtively positive, to problemizing further and find some solution?

Igor speaks in a super-fast way difficult to hear every word. Well, as following I hear the mind-bending information about the possible Accomodator [though he never uses that term]:

"Finally the What-if-people, these are people who - once the information is being presented, they need to make connections to it, like projecting "What if this happens? What if that happens? Can I use it here? Can I use it there?". And there's two types of what-if-people. There's the negative what-if's, which is "What if it fails? What if it goes wrong here? What if it goes wrong there?". Right?...

...And inspectors/expectors //expect us(?) there's not a problem, you just inspect//expect them(?) and think you can handle(?). It's very simple. Right? The other ones are the positive what-if:ers. That's kind of a little bit of what I am, which is "Can I use it here? Can I use it there? What about if you do this(?) but a bit here and a bit there??" Start adding more connections...!"

Later Ledochowski even speaks of "to assimilate" as an important part of the what-if learning process, but I never hear him mention that word in relation to What?-peoples which Colb and others calls the Assimilators

= which I very first thought I was, before mentally collaborated on the material like the Converger my friend says I must be, and finded myself that I mostly get stucked/focused in the motivation phase, and realised why not then being more of a Diverger...?

Like humans we naturally possesses a bit of every type/style - but important question could be which is our everyday focus and/or most effective for each of us to really learn?!?


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