24 August 2018

The Original Soundtrack by 10cc

Gouldman, Stewart, Godley, Creme 1975

Without being a film score, but maybe pretending it is...
Like a good movie this album has a great bit of everything : Humour, Beauty, Thrill, Drama, Philosophy, Form, Mystery.

as Autumn Album # 18:2
by kinda chakra based evaluation

most Whole Soulful song : THE FILM OF MY LOVE

most Introspective Dreamlike song : BRAND NEW DAY

most Expressively Amusing song : UNE NUIT A PARIS (part 1), THE SAME NIGHT IN PARIS (part 2), LATER THE SAME NIGHT IN PARIS (part 3)

most Beautifully Lovable song : I'M NOT IN LOVE

most Mighty Strongfelt song : LIFE IS A MINESTRONE

most Sexy Teasing song : BLACKMAIL

most Survive-Struggling song : THE SECOND SITTING FOR THE LAST SUPPER

Above or Below everyone (my favourite piece now) : FLYING JUNK

Reminds me most of : 
A Night at The Opera with Queen
A Woofer in Tweeter's Clothing with Sparks
Breakfast in America with Supertramp

Took me at least ten years before experiencing this to be their most rich record... felt more immedite for Deceptive Bends -77 and Bloody Tourists -78. Believed just Gouldman & Stewart did really nice, but now realise how great role Godley & Creme must have played for the experimental drive as well as big (satiric) ambition.

Whole Album

(6) compositions
(7) instrumentations
(4) singin' /playin' feelin'
(5) lyrics (incl titles)
(7) variation
(5) synchronization
(7) cover /concept
(5) historical importance


I now give 1-7 for each cathegory
where 3 is good and total possible 8 x 7 = 56 never exist(?)


18 August 2018

The Big Blue : Le Grand Bleu

Rediscovered Movie 18:2
seen on BluRay

story and direction by Luc Besson
production by Patrice Ledoux
music by Eric Serra

France /Italy 1988

Happy Role [Joy] : JOANA BAKER (Rosanna Arquette)

Grumpy Role [Conflict] : LA MAMMA (Alessandra Vazzoler)

Sneezy Role [Thrill] : ENZO MOLINARI (Jean Reno)

Sleepy Role [Process] : DR. LAURENCE (Paul Shenar)

Dopey Role [Humour] : UNCLE LOUIS (Jean Bouise)

Doc Role [Idea] : NOIREUTER (Jan Rouiller)

Bashful Role [Mystery] : JACQUES MAYOL (Jean-Mac Barr)

Snowwhite Role [Beauty] : someone among the Dolphins (some dolphin)

my favourite scene now : inside the capsel down... as belgian diver Noireuter tries to convince the sicilian Enzo about the absolute danger of tasting alcohol on that big depth... but only get playful responses to his seriousness... inspiring even Jacques to behave childish, like Enzo is king of the sea even if he's not...

my experience of the whole movie 
(compared to last time 2012 I saw it
has risen most in humour and meaning
not sunken in any aspect at all)

5 (4) Characters
6 (7) Scenery
7 (6) Camerawork

4 (4) Thrill
5 (5) Conflict
6 (3) Humour

6 (5) Psychology
4 (2) Philosophy
3 (2) Fantasy

3 (3) Timeline
7 (7) Music
6 (5) Concept

= 62 (53)

I now give 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7, where 3 is good
and total possible 7 x 12 = 84 never exist(?)


07 August 2018

Madman Across The Water : Elton John

among his 70's albums the piece which last
has found its magic place in my piano puzzle

as Autumn Album # 18:1
by kinda chakra based evaluation

most Whole Soulful song : LEVON (or maybe All The Nasties)

most Introspective Dreamlike song : MADMAN ACROSS THE WATER

most Expressively Amusing song : HOLIDAY INN

most Beautifully Lovable song : GOODBYE

most Mighty Strongfelt song : ROTTEN PEACHES (or maybe Razor Face)

most Sexy Teasing song : TINY DANCER

most Survive-Struggling song : INDIAN SUNSET

Reminds me most of : Billy Joel
somewhere between Piano Man and Streetlife Serenade

"And he shall be Levon"
which I thought he sang
"And he shall believe in"

Whole Album

(6) compositions
(6) instrumentations
(7) singin' /playin' feelin'
(4) lyrics (incl titles)
(5) variation
(4) synchronization
(2) cover /concept
(5) historical importance

= 39

I now give 1-7 for each cathegory
where 3 is good and total possible 8 x 7 = 56 never exist(?)
