28 February 2019

19 interesting Hubots or Humans

If it would be possible to step into this sci-fi tv-series
called Humans ["Äkta Människor"]
as myself
concerning the original swedish version

which roles would I most willingly interact with??
= a combination of sympathy for + interest in discovering who they are...

regarding episodes 1-9 of First Season from 2012
[here I actually spoil which persons are real humans 
and which persons are created robots = hubots]

1. LENNART by Sten Elfström
the oldest man (whose hubot wasn't possible to update anymore)

2. INGER by Pia Halvorsen
the mother and lawyer

3. ANITA //MIMI by Lisette Pagler
the hubot living in house of the main family

4. ROGER by Leif Andrée
the man who seems to lose everything in this world of hubots

5. APOLONIA(?) by Sara Linderholm
the human potential girlfriend of Tobias

6. SOLVEIG by Agneta Ahlin
the laughing old lady flirting with Lennart

7. GORDON by André Sjöberg
one hubot in the wild group, wanting to become christian

8. BEATRICE by Marie Robertson
the hubot police detective, bonding with Roger

9. SILAS by Peter Viitanen
the illegal collector and fixer of broken hubots

10. JONAS by Måns Nathanaelson
the businessman and seller of hubots

11. SOFIA by Aline Palmstierna
the most expressive daughter

12. LEO by Andreas Wilson
the wild hubot and/or human, searching for Mimi

13. DAVID EISCHER by Thomas W Gabrielsson
the inventor or transformer of hubots

14. FLASH by Josephine Alhanko
the most girlish in wild hubot group

15. MALTE by Jimmy Lindström
the most extreme antagonist to a hubot-filled society

16. HANS by Johan Paulsen
the pragmatic father who brought Anita as a machine to the family

17. THERESE by Camilla Larsson
former wife of Roger, living with her hubot Rick

18. VERA by Anki Larsson
Lennart's new hubot housewife and strict health keeper

19. NISKA by Eva Röse
the smartest wild hubot leader


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